Produkte von Kapadokya Yayınları

Kapadokya Yayınları
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Omce upon a time, a windower had a daughter who was wonderfully kind and good. He married a second wife who was proud, and very selfish. She had two daudhters, and they were as mean as their mother. The wedding over, the second wife no...
7,99 € *
7,99 € *
Die Alte Haus
Die Alte Haus
7,99 € *
Die Geschichte dem Gespenterschiff
Die Geschichte dem Gespenterschiff
7,99 € *
Der Arme und der Reiche
Der Arme und der Reiche
Vor vielen Zeiten, als ein alter gutmutiger Zauberer wandelte, trug es sich zu, dass er eines Abends müde war und ihn die Nacht überfiel, bevor er zu einer Herberge kommen konnte. Nun standen auf dem Wege vor ihm zwei Hauser einander...
7,99 € *
Dıe Sechs Schwane
Dıe Sechs Schwane
7,99 € *
Die Bienenkönigin
Die Bienenkönigin
7,99 € *
Histoires de Legumes
Histoires de Legumes
Il etait une fois un viex monsieur. Le vieux monsieur habitait une petite maison avec sa femme. Le vieux monsieur etait a la retaite et lil aimait beaucop faire son potager. “Viens voir ces belles carottes. Elles vont bientot etre pretes...
7,99 € *
Le Match de Football
Le Match de Football
Jane et Alan sont assis dans le jardin. C’est le manche apres-misi. Le soleil brille et le ciel est bleu. C’est le mois de septembere et les feuilles sont en train de changer de couleur sur les arbres. “L’anniversaire de Jack est dans...
7,99 € *
La Chasse Aux Oeufs de Paques
La Chasse Aux Oeufs de Paques
“Maman, ton telephone portable est en train de sonner!“, crie Jack a sa mere, “ou es-tu“ “Je suis dans la buanderie“, dit Jane a Jack qui lui apprte son portable en courant. “Alo“, repond Jane au telephone, juste a temps. Jack retourne...
7,99 € *
Le Mystere de la Dinde de Noel
Le Mystere de la Dinde de Noel
Aujourd’hui c’est la veille de Noel, le Reveillon de Boel. Jane se leve tot. Elle va au supermerche. Elle va faire les courses pour le repas de Noel pour toute la famile. Hannah est la fille de Jane, elle va accompagner sa mere pour...
7,99 € *
Jack et le Haricot Magique
Jack et le Haricot Magique
Il etait une fois un jeune garçon gui S’appelait Jack. Jack vivait dans une petite maison avec sa mere. Sa mere etait veuve. Le pere de Jack etait decede depuis plusieurs annees. Jack et sa mere etaient tres pauvres. Leur masion etait...
7,99 € *
Contes Sur Les Animaux
Contes Sur Les Animaux
Il etait une fois trois boucs. Leur nom etait “bourru“. Il y avait le grand bouc bourru, le moyen bouc bourru et le petit bouc bourru. Le grand bouc bourru etait vraiment un grand bouc. Il avait une epaisse fourrure noire et de larges...
7,99 € *
Animales Tales
Animales Tales
Il etait une fois trois petits cochons qui vivaient avec leur maman. Ils vivaient tous ensemble dans une grande et belle maison. Le premier petit cochon s’appelait Jack. C’etait un petit cochon tres intelligent. Il adorait les maths et...
7,99 € *
Le Roi Qui Mangeait Trop
Le Roi Qui Mangeait Trop
Il etait une fois un jeune prince. Le prince habitait avec son pere, le roi et sa mere, la reine. Il habitait dans un royaume tres lointain. Leur maison etait un chateau magnifique. Le chateau etait construit avec les plus nobles...
7,99 € *
Contes Traditionnels Sur la Nourriture
Contes Traditionnels Sur la Nourriture
Kapadokya (Capadoce) readers est une serie de recits/histoires/contes simplifies qui apres le 6eme niveau initient les eleves du materiel de lecture avec divertissement. Chaque livre comprend des exercices, une introduction et des...
7,99 € *
Sams New School
Sams New School
7,99 € *
The Jones Family Stage 1
The Jones Family Stage 1
7,99 € *
The School Holidays
The School Holidays
7,99 € *
Niveau 1 Das Weisheitszahn Von Michael
Niveau 1 Das Weisheitszahn Von Michael
7,99 € *
Die Hochzeit Von Melanie Und Roland Seviye 1
Die Hochzeit Von Melanie Und Roland Seviye 1
7,99 € *
Das Weihnachtsfest Seviye 1
Das Weihnachtsfest Seviye 1
7,99 € *
Niveau 1 Muttertag
Niveau 1 Muttertag
7,99 € *
Die Ostereier Suche Seviye 1
Die Ostereier Suche Seviye 1
7,99 € *
Ahmed ve Dirsu'l Akl
Ahmed ve Dirsu'l Akl
7,99 € *
Gurfet'u Nevm Heno El Cedide
Gurfet'u Nevm Heno El Cedide
7,99 € *
Kısasu'l Hadravat Seviye 1
Kısasu'l Hadravat Seviye 1
7,99 € *
Ya 'İydu'l Beyd
Ya 'İydu'l Beyd
7,99 € *
Zifafu Karul ve Tum
Zifafu Karul ve Tum
7,99 € *
Sam Finishes School Stage 2
Sam Finishes School Stage 2
7,99 € *
Baby Isabelle Stage 2
Baby Isabelle Stage 2
7,99 € *
A Song of Six Pence Stage 6
A Song of Six Pence Stage 6
7,99 € *
Wuthering Heights
Wuthering Heights
I could not believe he was dead. But this face was wet with rain and the rain dripped off the bed onto the florrs. One of his hands was on the window ledge. When I put my fingers on it, it was cold. I knew he was dead. It was strange but...
7,99 € *
The Thirty Nine Steps
The Thirty Nine Steps
“There is no trouble from Germany“. That was what the goverment thougth but what about the Scudder’s little note - book? He had been working on his poject for a long time and he was sure that the spies from Germany were in England and...
7,99 € *
A Tale of Two Cities
A Tale of Two Cities
Feeling of the people of two cities that take place in the French Revolution. The cities that are written in the book are London and Paris. This is a kind of tragedy in the violence and terror of the Revolution. You’ll read the love of a...
7,99 € *
The Pearl Stage 6
The Pearl Stage 6
7,99 € *
The Mystery of The Woman in The Mirror Stage 6
The Mystery of The Woman in The Mirror Stage 6
7,99 € *
Great Expectations
Great Expectations
“Go on,“ said Miss Havisham. “I thought it was you, Miss Hawisham! And you encouraged me in my mistake!“ Miss Havisham looked at the fire, and then at Pip. “What else?“ she asked. “I thought it was you who had helped me with my great...
7,99 € *
Silas Marner
Silas Marner
“Silas Marner, you have done a terrible thing. You are not now a member of our church. You may return to it only on these conditions: you must give back the money: you must be sorry for your fault; and you must pomise to change your way...
7,99 € *
Pride and Prejudice
Pride and Prejudice
7,99 € *
Little Women
Little Women
“Here you are, mammy.“ Said Joe. “This money is for the father.“ “But how have you found it?“ asked Mrs. March. At that moment she found out that her doughter’s shinning bright hair had been cut. “Oh, Joe“ she said. “You have done the...
7,99 € *
Treasure Island
Treasure Island
“Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight!“ I heard the parrot singing. Now I was sure that I was in the middle of a big trouble. I had been very close to the treasure but now it seemed impossble. They had already taken in and I was too weak to...
7,99 € *
Oliver Twist
Oliver Twist
Oh, my brother“ shouted Nancy and ran towards Oliver “Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you since yesterday. Mymother is very sad. Let’s go home!“ Oliver wanted to tell what kind of trap he was in but could not say it to the...
7,99 € *
Jane Eyre Stage 4
Jane Eyre Stage 4
7,99 € *
David Copperfield Stage 4
David Copperfield Stage 4
7,99 € *
Short Stories
Short Stories
Warm stories of different writers will help you to learn differen lives of different cultures. Won’t it be nice to learn what they feel?(Arka Kapak)
7,99 € *
Uncle Toms Cabin
Uncle Toms Cabin
His master had promised him not to sell him to anyone but now Tom was in the carriage being taken to the North. He was sure he would not see the pplace he was born again. There were tears in his eyes and the coin in his hand that was...
7,99 € *
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